Sunday 23 August 2015


(thank you to

To take care of NATURE begins by taking care of the self 
once everything out there begins and finishes 
as a sequence of what comes from within:

1. Never take more than what you really NEED, for only after are you able to understand what recycling really means.

2. Buy ORGANIC only, but forgive yourself if you can't really afford it at the moment, for inner punishment (guilt) also pollutes the environment a lot (huge amount of toxins are produced by your cells anytime you have waste thoughts and it will be drained out into the wider nature).

3. RECYCLE every single bit of your daily life; if you can't find "eco places" near you google it and find out - Nature deserves it and you will feel yourself blossoming inside.

4. Recycle is also choosing SECOND HAND stuff from friends or charities (things are usually of very good quality; because of consumerism those who can afford are always buying as more as they are giving up from old stuff).

5. Or to give that chance to others when you feel YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH by taking it to charities or by suggesting it to friends.

6. Find out reliable ORGANIZATIONS that provide delivery of everything poor countries need so that those needs may be met (books, scholar material, medicines, food, etc.)

7. AVOID DAIRY until you really stop it for ever - dairy is a poison in our body (milk is the main cause of cancer) and the industry is very "dirty" by brutally sacrificing animals.

8. STOP EATING ANIMALS. Read/study about the suffering of animals when they perceive their last hours are arriving - all of that is imprinted in all cells of their body (any autopsy would reveal it) and you eat it; thus,  you eat grief, deep sadness, anger and then you get confusion and depression and you can't remember the reason why. 

9. TIDY UP your nature and your surroundings and you will be able to LEAVE A GOOD FOOTPRINT that will INSPIRE OTHERS, too.

10. SMILE and RESPECT and your waves of happiness will have AN IMPACT OF RENEWAL AROUND YOU.