Sunday 14 February 2016

The Engine For World Transformation

A large number of yogis in the world practice the highest stage of meditation.
Their "volcanic stage" of yoga, as they call it, is only possible when they renounce consciously all the vices of their bodies or the vices they would be presented once they would choose to take a "normal" life, so to say.

"Kundalini" is considered to be the divine feminine creative power or 'Shakti energy', which is represented symbolically as a serpent sleeping at the base of the spine till the 'long awaited call'  for the joining of the masculine and the feminine energies starts. )

Human kind can only achieve their stage of perfection when they manage to align the two hemispheres of the brain, i.e., their rational and emotional realm, their fusion, at the same time, with The Divine and Their Role On Earth, in a total equilibrium.

For the best result of that, to save the natural "compelling force" of Kundalini is essential as a way to fuel up the alchemistic result in, both, personal and world service.

They keep an as much constant as possible practice of being conscious they are souls performing their roles through matter - their bodies as the vehicle of the soul which is part of the Supreme Soul.