Wednesday 23 September 2015


( thanks to )

« To take care of Nature begins by taking care of the self
once everything out there begins and finishes 
as a sequence of what comes from within. »
                                                                                                                                          (by DR, posted on 23rd August 2015)

We have decided to come back with this theme due to the importance of becoming more and more aware about what we have generally been consuming.

Fashion, tradition, family tendencies, "fast" consumerism are very good reasons for a less good choice, ecologically speaking.

If our conciousness is raising the flag about veganism, about eco-friendly products of all kinds, about natural staff for health we should then seriously think about

a) no leather materials (shoes, belts, bags, sofas, deco)

b) nor any other animal skin or body

c) including no feather pillows or quilts

d) no hunting or fishing

e) no food with eggs of any type

f) no products with aerosol or strong chemicals of any kind

g) no pesticides, no preservatives, no manipulation

h) minimum use of private car vs maximum use of public transports

i)  minimum use of aeroplanes, though, unless strictly necessary

j)  saving water while washing teeth

k) having quick showers

l) turning off unnecessary lights

Some more could actually be said, maybe another time we will come up with it.

Finishing the same way we have done on our last post about this subject, we will say:

TIDY UP your nature and your surroundings and you will be able to LEAVE A GOOD FOOTPRINT that will INSPIRE OTHERS, too.

SMILE and RESPECT and your waves of happiness will have AN IMPACT OF RENEWAL AROUND YOU.

These are what we would recommended as THE STEPS FOR A MULTI DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATION.

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