Wednesday 9 September 2015


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So much war around and about 

simply because we have lost the original contact with our essence - the soul (some call it the spirit).

We are so distant from that original natural consciousness that we keep running after some bits of happiness out there, everywhere, the majority of the time totally unconscious that our blessed treasures reside deep inside our OWN NATURE.

You may ask "but how to achieve that? How to reach deep within myself?" to what something very simple can be said: 

1. Find moments of quietness throughout your daily life - repeat it for some seconds with total consciousness and intention; your awareness will make it to become stronger and stronger as you wish and plan.

2. Think for yourself, avoid go easily with the crowd, be aware of what it is better for you and assume with respect for your inner world.

3. Start putting your attention in your thoughts throughout the day and avoid wasteful thoughts (things of the past, things that don't bring you peace or happiness).   Within some time you will be able to understand that those thought are very useless once nothing can be done about those subjects and, mainly, that they don't promote you or your inner peace and health.

4. Your stage may improve in such a way that others can feel that something as changed for better on you.  You are then a meditative being who can spread waves of peace and love around, influencing others  POSITIVELY  at every breath.

5. Look around where to increase this practice, if you want to become stronger and to participate in group meditative platforms sending sakash* to the world. 

*sakash - a powerful stage of blessings and attainments

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