Saturday 26 September 2015


Apart from the IT world, omnipresence is something absolutely non applicable.  Hence, we couldn't be so wrong referring to ubiquity (omnipresence) as an attribute of God.  The reason is very simple:

* If He was present everywhere, there wouldn't be any imperfection on us, in our lives or the world.

* If He had that role, we wouldn't be begging for help in times of trouble, praying to Him in times of devotion or meditating in times of self development.

* In that case He would be always on us and us on Him; we would be "one" at all times.

* Anyone is responsible by their actions; The Divine will never be where sin, war and suffering are.

Like the picture shows, He is just waiting for us to REconnect and REcharge at any time and the decision is ours.

Therefore, choose your way and benefit from a conscious blissful serenity in yourself with Him.


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