Wednesday 30 December 2015


photo from
thank you, Angelika, and a Happy New Year!

If the meaning of the word ALONE
is to be  'ALL in ONE'

where have we diverted
to transform its meaning or the feeling about it?

Each human being has got a bit of everything of the world: 
* a bit of the oceans (the water in the body ruling the emotions), 
* of ground (the awareness and balance that keeps us fertile and in equilibrium), 
* the air (our breath), 
* the fire (our capacity to love and to be creative/artistic), 
* the ether (the subtle way through which feelings and intuition are expressed and caught without any specific expression - the vehicle of our spirituality).  

Even the planets and the moon are also of influence on us, for instance those under the influence of Saturn (Capricorn) always have big issues with bones, though they are strong, as well as the moon influences our mood through our liquid part of reality and determines the time to be born.

How can we, then, just feel as if we were the last inhabitant on earth with all of this stuff running through all day round?   

The secret is 

* to go within and pay attention to how perfect life is

* to be thankful to have that stunning system of breathing working day and night, day by day, without any need of command

* to be aware the more positive I am, the better my inner population (cells and blood) can really work for my real best 
(and that there is nothing they can do if I am negative unless I stop being it, and with immediate effect)

* to simply feel ALL in ME

* and if possible including THE SPECIAL ONE  in that ALL 
so that when you feel down you can at least feel . . .

holding your hand while smiling at you 
and with that 
enjoying the best company of all . . . 

. . . YOU,  YOUR SELF !


Happy 2016 !!!

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