Saturday 30 January 2016


for this photo Gurbaksh Chahal in "Gravity4" (Linkedin) 

"Desires are like a shadow, turn your back on them and they will follow you."

So true!

We should never give more importance to anything or anyone than that they really have by being there, i.e., existing.

When our attention diverts from the centre point of the self, it means we became selfless which immediately means self-denying; thus, what we aim doesn't find the way in our direction simply because we left an emptiness behind . . . no loving resident and no track of self-respect or energetic link.

When we perceive what we aim,
let's become a real honest magnet
having ONE thought
followed by a quick VISUALIZATION of achievement
feeling GREAT
and with all natural FAITH 
keep living our own life the way it is . . .

. . . we will see WONDERS happening
much before we could even expect ! 

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