Thursday 17 March 2016


(Com fé/esperança/aceitação deixemos fluir a tendência para que o melhor possa acontecer)

DESAPEGO quer simplesmente dizer « SEM  APEGO » (des+apego)

Curioso porque é que desapego soa a frieza ou desinteresse, para muitos de nós. 

Talvez porque nos tem sido passado que quem ama, apega-se naturalmente.  
Como consequência, acabamos expontâneamente apegando-nos, até para não sermos diferentes dos demais.

Desta forma, quando sentimos dentro de nós, por exemplo, uma necessidade de estarmos sós para desfrutar de um momento de sossego, de um momento de animação individual ou até sem qualquer razão aparente, acabamos muitas vezes ou por abafar essa vontade optando por nos misturarmos com os demais ou, para os mais decididos, por nos restar o isolamento forçado perante a crítica feroz daqueles que não aceitam o direito à nossa opção momentânea, porque nos querem sempre por perto.

Ser DESAPEGADO é  para  todos  os  efeitos  essencial 

para um maior auto-respeito e equilíbrio interno e quer pura e simplesmente dizer: 

1. compreender que cada ser tem a sua própria caminhada e trajecto e que não é, de forma alguma, porque entendemos estar juntos ou por estarmos naturalmente juntos que tenhamos de depender uns dos outros;

2. aceitar as diferenças de cada um dos nossos parceiros de "palco" e as suas próprias e genuínas necessidades de demarcação natural do tempo e do espaço sem juízos de mau-valor;

3. sentir que tudo o que faz parte das nossas vidas deve ser dignificado como valores que nos foram cedidos pelo Alto para podermos representar o nosso papel neste Grandioso Palco da Vida, entendendo que quando qualquer um desses valores, humanos ou materiais, saiem de cena é porque simplesmente têm de actuar algures num outro plano para seu e nosso maior desenvolvimento neste drama . . . 

Apego, pelo contrário, significa:

- dependência - insegurança - manipulação - rigidez - desrespeito pelo próprio, pelo outro e pela Direcção 

Eis algumas frases de autor (algumas de autor desconhecido) para digerir:

"Aprenda a viver sem as pessoas que vivem sem você.
(se elas vivem bem sem você, está na hora de você viver bem consigo, acima de tudo e de todos)

"Desapego não significa não amar. Desapego significa amar-se  primeiro e só depois amar alguém."

"Ser desapegado é ser capaz de manter o amor e o carinho pelas coisas a ponto de fazê-las prosperar.

(Ken O' Donell - "Pensamento Positivo", em breve em Londres para palestras e workshops)


Tal como Dadi Janki  afirma:

« Mantenha-se no seu auto-respeito e dê respeito. » 
   Dadi Janki é a administradora geral da Brahma Kumaris em plena acção aos 100 anos de idade 

O DESAPEGO liberta e promove o AMOR INCONDICIONAL - cultive-o, fortaleça-o e partilhe ! 
(The Aim of Truth)

Sunday 14 February 2016

The Engine For World Transformation

A large number of yogis in the world practice the highest stage of meditation.
Their "volcanic stage" of yoga, as they call it, is only possible when they renounce consciously all the vices of their bodies or the vices they would be presented once they would choose to take a "normal" life, so to say.

"Kundalini" is considered to be the divine feminine creative power or 'Shakti energy', which is represented symbolically as a serpent sleeping at the base of the spine till the 'long awaited call'  for the joining of the masculine and the feminine energies starts. )

Human kind can only achieve their stage of perfection when they manage to align the two hemispheres of the brain, i.e., their rational and emotional realm, their fusion, at the same time, with The Divine and Their Role On Earth, in a total equilibrium.

For the best result of that, to save the natural "compelling force" of Kundalini is essential as a way to fuel up the alchemistic result in, both, personal and world service.

They keep an as much constant as possible practice of being conscious they are souls performing their roles through matter - their bodies as the vehicle of the soul which is part of the Supreme Soul.

Saturday 30 January 2016


for this photo Gurbaksh Chahal in "Gravity4" (Linkedin) 

"Desires are like a shadow, turn your back on them and they will follow you."

So true!

We should never give more importance to anything or anyone than that they really have by being there, i.e., existing.

When our attention diverts from the centre point of the self, it means we became selfless which immediately means self-denying; thus, what we aim doesn't find the way in our direction simply because we left an emptiness behind . . . no loving resident and no track of self-respect or energetic link.

When we perceive what we aim,
let's become a real honest magnet
having ONE thought
followed by a quick VISUALIZATION of achievement
feeling GREAT
and with all natural FAITH 
keep living our own life the way it is . . .

. . . we will see WONDERS happening
much before we could even expect ! 

Wednesday 30 December 2015


photo from
thank you, Angelika, and a Happy New Year!

If the meaning of the word ALONE
is to be  'ALL in ONE'

where have we diverted
to transform its meaning or the feeling about it?

Each human being has got a bit of everything of the world: 
* a bit of the oceans (the water in the body ruling the emotions), 
* of ground (the awareness and balance that keeps us fertile and in equilibrium), 
* the air (our breath), 
* the fire (our capacity to love and to be creative/artistic), 
* the ether (the subtle way through which feelings and intuition are expressed and caught without any specific expression - the vehicle of our spirituality).  

Even the planets and the moon are also of influence on us, for instance those under the influence of Saturn (Capricorn) always have big issues with bones, though they are strong, as well as the moon influences our mood through our liquid part of reality and determines the time to be born.

How can we, then, just feel as if we were the last inhabitant on earth with all of this stuff running through all day round?   

The secret is 

* to go within and pay attention to how perfect life is

* to be thankful to have that stunning system of breathing working day and night, day by day, without any need of command

* to be aware the more positive I am, the better my inner population (cells and blood) can really work for my real best 
(and that there is nothing they can do if I am negative unless I stop being it, and with immediate effect)

* to simply feel ALL in ME

* and if possible including THE SPECIAL ONE  in that ALL 
so that when you feel down you can at least feel . . .

holding your hand while smiling at you 
and with that 
enjoying the best company of all . . . 

. . . YOU,  YOUR SELF !


Happy 2016 !!!

Monday 5 October 2015


          (Congratulation to this anonymous artist shown by Shon Mua Sanks' facebook page, thank you!)

Only those who train everyday 

to strengthening their original peaceful nature

are able to go and stay beyond all type of wordly attractions

which try to work in their lives as a way of draining 

their inner powers and virtues.

The Art of gaining victory over ourselves, 
over the others and over matter 
is usually expressed as if we are dancing in life, 
somehow and no matter how . . . 

. . . and what comes out of that will always inspire others 
to follow those inner steps for VICTORY <3


Saturday 26 September 2015


Apart from the IT world, omnipresence is something absolutely non applicable.  Hence, we couldn't be so wrong referring to ubiquity (omnipresence) as an attribute of God.  The reason is very simple:

* If He was present everywhere, there wouldn't be any imperfection on us, in our lives or the world.

* If He had that role, we wouldn't be begging for help in times of trouble, praying to Him in times of devotion or meditating in times of self development.

* In that case He would be always on us and us on Him; we would be "one" at all times.

* Anyone is responsible by their actions; The Divine will never be where sin, war and suffering are.

Like the picture shows, He is just waiting for us to REconnect and REcharge at any time and the decision is ours.

Therefore, choose your way and benefit from a conscious blissful serenity in yourself with Him.


Wednesday 23 September 2015


( thanks to )

« To take care of Nature begins by taking care of the self
once everything out there begins and finishes 
as a sequence of what comes from within. »
                                                                                                                                          (by DR, posted on 23rd August 2015)

We have decided to come back with this theme due to the importance of becoming more and more aware about what we have generally been consuming.

Fashion, tradition, family tendencies, "fast" consumerism are very good reasons for a less good choice, ecologically speaking.

If our conciousness is raising the flag about veganism, about eco-friendly products of all kinds, about natural staff for health we should then seriously think about

a) no leather materials (shoes, belts, bags, sofas, deco)

b) nor any other animal skin or body

c) including no feather pillows or quilts

d) no hunting or fishing

e) no food with eggs of any type

f) no products with aerosol or strong chemicals of any kind

g) no pesticides, no preservatives, no manipulation

h) minimum use of private car vs maximum use of public transports

i)  minimum use of aeroplanes, though, unless strictly necessary

j)  saving water while washing teeth

k) having quick showers

l) turning off unnecessary lights

Some more could actually be said, maybe another time we will come up with it.

Finishing the same way we have done on our last post about this subject, we will say:

TIDY UP your nature and your surroundings and you will be able to LEAVE A GOOD FOOTPRINT that will INSPIRE OTHERS, too.

SMILE and RESPECT and your waves of happiness will have AN IMPACT OF RENEWAL AROUND YOU.

These are what we would recommended as THE STEPS FOR A MULTI DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATION.