Wednesday 30 December 2015


photo from
thank you, Angelika, and a Happy New Year!

If the meaning of the word ALONE
is to be  'ALL in ONE'

where have we diverted
to transform its meaning or the feeling about it?

Each human being has got a bit of everything of the world: 
* a bit of the oceans (the water in the body ruling the emotions), 
* of ground (the awareness and balance that keeps us fertile and in equilibrium), 
* the air (our breath), 
* the fire (our capacity to love and to be creative/artistic), 
* the ether (the subtle way through which feelings and intuition are expressed and caught without any specific expression - the vehicle of our spirituality).  

Even the planets and the moon are also of influence on us, for instance those under the influence of Saturn (Capricorn) always have big issues with bones, though they are strong, as well as the moon influences our mood through our liquid part of reality and determines the time to be born.

How can we, then, just feel as if we were the last inhabitant on earth with all of this stuff running through all day round?   

The secret is 

* to go within and pay attention to how perfect life is

* to be thankful to have that stunning system of breathing working day and night, day by day, without any need of command

* to be aware the more positive I am, the better my inner population (cells and blood) can really work for my real best 
(and that there is nothing they can do if I am negative unless I stop being it, and with immediate effect)

* to simply feel ALL in ME

* and if possible including THE SPECIAL ONE  in that ALL 
so that when you feel down you can at least feel . . .

holding your hand while smiling at you 
and with that 
enjoying the best company of all . . . 

. . . YOU,  YOUR SELF !


Happy 2016 !!!

Monday 5 October 2015


          (Congratulation to this anonymous artist shown by Shon Mua Sanks' facebook page, thank you!)

Only those who train everyday 

to strengthening their original peaceful nature

are able to go and stay beyond all type of wordly attractions

which try to work in their lives as a way of draining 

their inner powers and virtues.

The Art of gaining victory over ourselves, 
over the others and over matter 
is usually expressed as if we are dancing in life, 
somehow and no matter how . . . 

. . . and what comes out of that will always inspire others 
to follow those inner steps for VICTORY <3


Saturday 26 September 2015


Apart from the IT world, omnipresence is something absolutely non applicable.  Hence, we couldn't be so wrong referring to ubiquity (omnipresence) as an attribute of God.  The reason is very simple:

* If He was present everywhere, there wouldn't be any imperfection on us, in our lives or the world.

* If He had that role, we wouldn't be begging for help in times of trouble, praying to Him in times of devotion or meditating in times of self development.

* In that case He would be always on us and us on Him; we would be "one" at all times.

* Anyone is responsible by their actions; The Divine will never be where sin, war and suffering are.

Like the picture shows, He is just waiting for us to REconnect and REcharge at any time and the decision is ours.

Therefore, choose your way and benefit from a conscious blissful serenity in yourself with Him.


Wednesday 23 September 2015


( thanks to )

« To take care of Nature begins by taking care of the self
once everything out there begins and finishes 
as a sequence of what comes from within. »
                                                                                                                                          (by DR, posted on 23rd August 2015)

We have decided to come back with this theme due to the importance of becoming more and more aware about what we have generally been consuming.

Fashion, tradition, family tendencies, "fast" consumerism are very good reasons for a less good choice, ecologically speaking.

If our conciousness is raising the flag about veganism, about eco-friendly products of all kinds, about natural staff for health we should then seriously think about

a) no leather materials (shoes, belts, bags, sofas, deco)

b) nor any other animal skin or body

c) including no feather pillows or quilts

d) no hunting or fishing

e) no food with eggs of any type

f) no products with aerosol or strong chemicals of any kind

g) no pesticides, no preservatives, no manipulation

h) minimum use of private car vs maximum use of public transports

i)  minimum use of aeroplanes, though, unless strictly necessary

j)  saving water while washing teeth

k) having quick showers

l) turning off unnecessary lights

Some more could actually be said, maybe another time we will come up with it.

Finishing the same way we have done on our last post about this subject, we will say:

TIDY UP your nature and your surroundings and you will be able to LEAVE A GOOD FOOTPRINT that will INSPIRE OTHERS, too.

SMILE and RESPECT and your waves of happiness will have AN IMPACT OF RENEWAL AROUND YOU.

These are what we would recommended as THE STEPS FOR A MULTI DIMENSIONAL TRANSFORMATION.

Monday 14 September 2015


Keep your zeal and enthusiasm always high

so that no space is left for wasteful thoughts

and, therefore, your success is guaranteed.

By spreading around that attitude of yours

others will feel inspired to follow you

and the roi of that communal elevated stage

will be powerful.

Divine Inspirations

Saturday 12 September 2015


   As "simply stephen" says in his bhog

  « introvert (noun)
     is a person that turns their thoughts inward
     a person that recharges with introspection »

   To go into introspection
   should be a regular practice of all of us
   in order to meet our inner balance and then
   to be able to recriate a better life for ourselves,
   for others and the whole world.

   Then, will we be able to appreciate being introverted, i.e., 
   living inwardly because that is 
   where real peace, love and joy reside.

Thursday 10 September 2015


It is important to be open to RECEIVE 


it is far more important to be  a  NATURAL  GIVER, 


and keep thanking to life 
for what we have always got
no matter what, how or how many, when or why . . . 


Wednesday 9 September 2015


( )

So much war around and about 

simply because we have lost the original contact with our essence - the soul (some call it the spirit).

We are so distant from that original natural consciousness that we keep running after some bits of happiness out there, everywhere, the majority of the time totally unconscious that our blessed treasures reside deep inside our OWN NATURE.

You may ask "but how to achieve that? How to reach deep within myself?" to what something very simple can be said: 

1. Find moments of quietness throughout your daily life - repeat it for some seconds with total consciousness and intention; your awareness will make it to become stronger and stronger as you wish and plan.

2. Think for yourself, avoid go easily with the crowd, be aware of what it is better for you and assume with respect for your inner world.

3. Start putting your attention in your thoughts throughout the day and avoid wasteful thoughts (things of the past, things that don't bring you peace or happiness).   Within some time you will be able to understand that those thought are very useless once nothing can be done about those subjects and, mainly, that they don't promote you or your inner peace and health.

4. Your stage may improve in such a way that others can feel that something as changed for better on you.  You are then a meditative being who can spread waves of peace and love around, influencing others  POSITIVELY  at every breath.

5. Look around where to increase this practice, if you want to become stronger and to participate in group meditative platforms sending sakash* to the world. 

*sakash - a powerful stage of blessings and attainments

Sunday 23 August 2015


(thank you to

To take care of NATURE begins by taking care of the self 
once everything out there begins and finishes 
as a sequence of what comes from within:

1. Never take more than what you really NEED, for only after are you able to understand what recycling really means.

2. Buy ORGANIC only, but forgive yourself if you can't really afford it at the moment, for inner punishment (guilt) also pollutes the environment a lot (huge amount of toxins are produced by your cells anytime you have waste thoughts and it will be drained out into the wider nature).

3. RECYCLE every single bit of your daily life; if you can't find "eco places" near you google it and find out - Nature deserves it and you will feel yourself blossoming inside.

4. Recycle is also choosing SECOND HAND stuff from friends or charities (things are usually of very good quality; because of consumerism those who can afford are always buying as more as they are giving up from old stuff).

5. Or to give that chance to others when you feel YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH by taking it to charities or by suggesting it to friends.

6. Find out reliable ORGANIZATIONS that provide delivery of everything poor countries need so that those needs may be met (books, scholar material, medicines, food, etc.)

7. AVOID DAIRY until you really stop it for ever - dairy is a poison in our body (milk is the main cause of cancer) and the industry is very "dirty" by brutally sacrificing animals.

8. STOP EATING ANIMALS. Read/study about the suffering of animals when they perceive their last hours are arriving - all of that is imprinted in all cells of their body (any autopsy would reveal it) and you eat it; thus,  you eat grief, deep sadness, anger and then you get confusion and depression and you can't remember the reason why. 

9. TIDY UP your nature and your surroundings and you will be able to LEAVE A GOOD FOOTPRINT that will INSPIRE OTHERS, too.

10. SMILE and RESPECT and your waves of happiness will have AN IMPACT OF RENEWAL AROUND YOU.



Thursday 16 April 2015


=> ENG

Do I value what is valuable in life?
Do I really know what values are? What original/universal values are?

Only when values are something that serve all without exception - meaning integrity, ethics, conduct, sense of honor, morals - can these principles achieve the aimed outcomes and that aim must be ours.

=> PT

Será que eu valorizo o que tem valor na vida?
Será que sei mesmo o que são valores? O que são valores originais/universais?

Só mesmo quando valores é algo que serve a todos sem excepção - querendo dizer integridade, ética, conduta, senso de honra, moralidade - podem estes princípios atingir os resultados em vista e essa deve ser a visão de todos nós.

"Felicidade é o único bem, o tempo para ser feliz é agora e a forma de ser feliz é fazer os outros também." (Robert Ingertell, writer and activist of the 19th c.)

Monday 30 March 2015

What comes first, Peace or Love? (ENG/PT)

( photo from a Brazilian blog called "secretariado missoes beja" )

 (take a couple of minutes to think about it - what do you feel/know?)

=> ENG

There can never be peace without love.  

Peace itself may eventually exist when on the basis of interest or negotiation but without any trace of love peace will weaken until it fades away, sooner than later.

Love, however, can exist without peace. We can be in a mind, physical, emotional turmoil but keep being loving, if that is our nature.    

When peace is lacking, the expression of love may be naturally affected, in quantity and quality, however the virtue of the loving nature of the person is maintained.  

Unfortunately, in many cases one's experiences are so immensely bad or recurrent that without one's realization, love becomes a fading flame.    

Still, love exists and persists facing suffering; sometimes, it even grows becoming as an harbor to the soul.

Therefore, either at a personal level or at a world level, real peace, sustainable peace, can only exist if love is the main ingredient, that which means unconditional acceptance, respect for others and the self, ability to accommodate, to understand and to co-operate. 

Recommended sites :

If you are seeking to find your inner original peace and love, search for the nearest Brahma Kumaris center, wherever you may be in the world.  Take a 7-day course and begin a new everyday life by learning how to overcome any trace of anger, any type of weakness or vice, or simply any trace of tiredness.


"I was very tired and seeking some extra yoga power (I myself was a facilitator of meditation) but my economical situation was at that moment very low and I could only afford to pay very few.  Finally, I found this organization of Brahma Kumaris who charge nothing and live from donations.  

I learned that my tiredness was due to the pollution of my mind overloaded by wasteful thoughts for the fear of having not enough to pay my responsibilities.  That month, I have got a new job and a much reasonable salary; therefore, I could contribute to the Brahma Kumaris bearing in mind that any money in the world could pay the help I have received unconditionally from them..." (DR, 30/03/2015)

=> PT


(reserve para si um par de minutos para pensar sobre a pergunta - o que você sente e sabe)

Nunca pode haver paz sem amor.

A própria paz pode eventualmente existir quando com base no interesse ou na negociação, mas sem qualquer traço de amor a paz vai enfraquecer até à sua total extinção, mais cedo ou mais tarde.

O amor, no entanto, pode existir sem paz.   Podemos estar em tumulto mental, físico ou emocional mas continuarmos a ser amorosos, se essa é a nossa natureza.

Quando a paz está ausente, a expressão do amor pode ser naturalmente afectada, em quantidade e qualidade, no entanto, a virtude da natureza amorosa da pessoa é mantida.

Infelizmente, em muitos casos, a experiência de algumas pessoas é tão imensamente ruim ou recorrente que, sem se aperceberem, o amor é uma chama que se dissipa.

Ainda assim, o amor existe e persiste enfrentando sofrimento; às vezes, até mesmo cresce como um porto para a alma.

Portanto, quer a nível pessoal quer a nível mundial, a verdadeira paz, uma paz sustentável, só pode existir se o amor é o ingrediente principal, aquele que significa a aceitação incondicional, o respeito pelos outros e pelo próprio, a capacidade para acomodar, compreender e cooperar.

Sites recomendados:


Se procura a sua paz original, paz interior e amor, procure o centro Brahma Kumaris mais próximo de si , onde quer que esteja no mundo.  

Faça um curso de 7 dias e comece uma nova vida ao aprender a superar qualquer traço de raiva, qualquer tipo de fraqueza ou vício, ou, simplesmente, qualquer traço de cansaço.


"Eu estava muito cansada e à procura de alguma oportunidade de praticar yoga ou meditação (eu mesmo era uma facilitadora de meditação).  Todavia, devido à minha situação económica do momento eu só podia pagar muito pouco.  Por fim, encontrei a organização da Brahma Kumaris que dá aulas e cursos gratuitos, vivendo de doações.
Eu aprendi que o meu cansaço era devido à poluição da minha mente sobrecarregada de pensamentos inúteis de medo de não ter o suficiente para pagar as minhas responsabilidades. Naquele mês, eu consegui um novo emprego e um salário muito razoável; muito breve, eu pude contribuir para a Brahma Kumaris consciente, contudo, de que qualquer dinheiro no mundo jamais poderia pagar a ajuda que recebi da organização de forma tão incondicional . . .(DR, 30/03/2015)